China’s Leadership in Renewable Energy
China’s recent efforts have contributed to optimism that the tricky energy transition does not need to come at the expense of energy security.
China’s recent efforts have contributed to optimism that the tricky energy transition does not need to come at the expense of energy security.
As conflicts are continuously evolving in different parts of the world, the Geneva Conventions remain a crucial framework for protecting human dignity and limiting the barbarity of war.
At a time when humankind is still facing the threat of war, we need to go back to the Conventions and reacquaint ourselves with the cruelty of war to ensure that the spirit of the Conventions is immortalized.
Meloni’s five-day visit has brought a demonstration of Italy’s good will to begin a new phase of bilateral relations with China.
The Global Security Initiative offers a way toward reshaping the world on the basis of universal security and securing a lasting peaceful global community.
The GCI calls for exchanges and mutual learning between different civilizations.
Civilizations vary in characteristics and advantages, but they are not the superior nor the inferior.
The Global Security Initiative defines it as a security governance structure centered on the United Nations, and its efforts are to prevent wars and lead post-war reconstruction.
Peaceful coexistence is based on respect for the sovereignty of each country.
This philosophy seeks to create a framework of international relations in which all nations work together for the general welfare, setting aside antagonisms and enmities of the past.
The open global civilization that China seeks to lead reflects its openness to the world and its commitment to international cooperation from the Global Development Initiative.
Both the GDI and the BRI are important international cooperation initiatives and important global public goods provided by China to the world.