Diversity Defeats Singularity

The World Political Parties Summit showed the axis of the world is tilting towards giving more voice to choose and diversity and away from domination by a few.

The axis of the world is inexorably tilting, although some are reluctant to acknowledge this. Just how this tilt will rebalance is the key question of our time. Two potential answers are encapsulated in the Group 7 meeting and the World Political Parties Summit of 160 countries and over 500 leaders of parties and political organizations.

The sheer imbalance of numbers attending these respective meetings is proof enough alone of the momentum tilting the axis. The pressure for change in the structure of international trade relations is building and it is enabled by the increased connectivity made possible by advances in 5G and AI.

The current “global order” labelled by a few countries is an extension of the outdated imperial order and excludes most countries from any meaningful participation in creating the rules that govern international trade. The time has come for these rules to be based on internationally recognised norms rather than rules imposed by an elite few. Block-chain solutions help eliminate inefficiencies in trade settlement but they require common and cooperative standards. These cannot be achieved if the process is dominated by the interests of just a few countries.

The World Political Parties Summit held on July 6 via video link considered alternatives to the narrow-based hegemony favoured by the G7. It united the conversation around the concept of Governance delivering “the common values of humanity” by fostering broad-minded tolerance in the understanding of values of different civilizations.

The Communist Party of China (CPC) and World Political Parties Summit is held via video link in Beijing on July 6, 2021. (Photo/Xinhua)

The Summit recognised that no single political system provided a universal solution to the common question of how to improve living standards for their citizens. This is the key difference in approach, with the Summit embracing a diversity of solutions free from ideological blinkers.

Global business organisations like the Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce have long recognised that there is a diversity of solutions to bringing prosperity to citizens. The Summit confirmed this approach must also extend to political parties and Government.

In contrast to the G7 meeting, the summit recognised that “There doesn’t exist a fixed model for the path to modernization” so each country will select the path that serves it well.

Central to progress is the freedom to develop in ways that are most appropriate for the economic and social stage of development.  This is why the summit also rejected the idea that any country had the right to try to limit the prosperity of others by denying access to technology, innovation and financing. This ‘developmental decoupling’ works against the need to build a community with a shared future for mankind.

In contrast to the G7 meeting, the World Political Parties Summit bought a breath of fresh air and new cooperative thinking. The summit showed the axis of the world is tilting towards giving more voice to choose and diversity and away from domination by a few.